Analysis & Consulting

  • Quantitative results from Viewfinder® Campus Climate Surveys are analyzed to identify key strengths and opportunities for improving the campus climate. Statistical tests are conducted to look for significant and meaningful differences in the experiences of respondents of different identities/backgrounds. Themes are highlighted in a written report and inform key takeaways that can inform plans to create a more equitable and inclusive campus climate.

  • Adding customized open-ended items to Viewfinder® Campus Climate Surveys can shed light on topics of particular interest at your institution. Our trained analysts read every response and apply thematic coding procedures to identify key themes in the data. Brief tables summarizing findings from each question are prepared with the goal of enabling institutional leadership to better understand the experiences of diverse constituents and develop policies and procedures that target issues facing members of the campus community.

  • Our trained facilitators conduct focus groups with campus constituents (e.g., non-exempt staff, students with disabilities, faculty of color) to learn about their experiences on campus. Anonymous focus group transcripts are analyzed and results are given to institutional leadership to shed light on how diverse stakeholders experience the campus climate and what steps can be taken to make it more inclusive and equitable.

  • Viewfinder® staff present a slide deck with findings and key takeaways from the Executive Summary Report (and/or other deliverables). Presentations are open to all members of the campus community and conclude with a Q&A session.

NEW! Services available to maximize your Campus Climate Survey experience.

Santa Rosa
Junior College

“Viewfinder® provided excellent customer service and outstanding support throughout and after the survey.”